Changes tags like lyrics, cover art, artist, album, etc., for your music files. The tool embeds batch processing capabilities.
Many of use enjoy listening to music and also enjoy owning huge music collections saved on their hard-disks as digital audio files. The problem with these collections is that they’re hard to be kept neatly organized, as the songs that they contain have been copied from various sources, downloaded, ripped from CDs, etc. Therefore titles like "Track04" are an annoying, but also rather common occurrence. Cleaning such huge collections manually, all by yourself, and sorting through hundred of GBs of music, would have simply taken way too many hours. The good news is that there are specialized tools that help you with tasks related to organizing and tidying up music collections, and this handy app is a perfect example.
Reezaa MP3 Tag Editor is a neat and handy application that enables you to manipulate the tag information of MP3 files in an easy and convenient manner. This nice tool is capable of adding data to both the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags of MP3 files in batch mode, processing multiple files at the same time. Music lyrics and album cover arts can also be added to the MP3 files using this program. Last but not least, Reezaa MP3 Tag Editor can rename music files according to their tags or vice-versa, write tags using the file names as the source of the info.
Though powerful and reliable, Reezaa MP3 Tag Editor is also easy-to-use. Its straightforward interface can be used with ease by anyone, including complete beginners.
To sum it all up, Reezaa MP3 Tag Editor is a really nice tool that offers a convenient and effective manner of handling MP3 tags, and best of all, it’s completely free.
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